Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Bama was way too tight...
14 first half turnovers kills the Tide

     Alabama was ready. They were so wound up they couldn't relax, and the nerves led to too many mistakes. Many of those turnovers were unforced. All proved deadly. Who knew the best defensive back on the Ole Miss campus plays basketball, and if someone can tell me why his punk butt wasn't kicked out please explain. I'm old school and of the opinion that slapping a player across the forehead and then wrapping him up was over the top. How the officials didn't see that was amazing. Other than that call I thought that the officials were pretty even handed. They didn't cost us anything except perhaps a new basketball stat for tackling. It was a good solid hit. I think Retin could run over him in the open court but he had avoid the sideline on the tackle.

       Of course, it is disheartning to lose the game. Perhaps for Georgia and then the SEC,the team learned something. If you shoot the ball you can score. If you just let them fly like Rodney Cooper does, you'll make a few. Shooters have to shoot. Shooters will occassionally take ridiculous shots. That's okay. I remember Pete Maravich letting fly shots that could  only be labeled "what the hell was that" just to see the the net ripple.

       Some good generally comes with the bad. It did last night. Retin Obasahan is ready for prime time and ton  of more minutes. Moussa Gueye didn't commit a foul 30 feet from the basket. This time it was more like 75 feet. Let me say this about incoming  Jimmie Taylor. He is no offensive machine, but he won't do things like Gueye. Hats off to Jacobs who scored 18 with an aching back. I mean a seriously aching back. He'll spend a lot of time in ice before the Georgia game tips off.

      On further reflection this game did not knock us out of the NCAA regardless of what most people believe. I dont' think Bama's position would have been drastically improved even had they won. Winning games is only part of the Selection Committee's partial reliance on the RPI. I think the most important thing for Bama to do is when three more games. That might do it. Here's one thing in our favor - we have beaten Kentucky and Tennessee. If it comes down to one of those three teams making the tournament I think Bama should get the bid. Should as in fair and not as in Kentucky is in the hunt. I'd almost bet my last dollar that Ole Miss will lose the weekend in LSU. I hope they do. Not only would it help but it would mean fewer games seeing Marshall "I'm seriously in love with LSD" Henderson play.

      In all fairness to this team and Grant I need to remember a few things- Gueye just didn't seem to ever get over the hump, Engstrong was injured, and he had played very well up until that time, and the mysterious disappearance of Pollard. The effect of those three games might be the differnce in winning 20 games vs. 26 or 27 games. Patience is a virtue when it comes Tide basketball. Patience is good sometimes. Ask Coach K.

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