Wednesday, March 14, 2012

If you are in Greensboro, pull the Tide through...

Not attending the game...
I admit to to nothing....
You have the wrong dog
     Because our little girl boxer, Annie Ellis,  has little time to live my wife and I will be unable to attend the game on Thursday. I have to admit that not being there is going to seem strange. If you have a pet I'm sure you no why we aren't there regardless of how much we love the Tide. My dog is more important.

      Boxers are unique dogs, they are half canine and half clown. When our little girl dog dies she will be sorely missed. Thank each of you for the kind words and the postings. The emails have been remarkably full of love.  We are truly blessed to have Crimson brothers and sisters. I promise I will tape the game and get a  of report up for the board sometime by Friday if at all possible.

   I have talked to a couple of coaches who are going call me tomorrow night and talk with me about the game to  give me a  little insight about what happened in Greensboro.  A moment of your indulgence about Annie. Here are a few reasons why you have to love dogs. Those of you who are pet owners will know exactly why we do. Those of you who  don't own a dog these are reasons why you should. These are quotes about dogs and who said them.

  • Never ever trust a person who hates dogs - from me. 
  • If dogs don't go to heaven, all things considered I'd like to go where ever they go-unknown
  • You can say any fool thing to a dog, and the dog will give you this look that says, `My God, you're RIGHT!!!!!    I NEVER would've thought of that!'" Dave Barry
  • If your dog doesn't like someone then you probably shouldn't either - unknown
  • Dogs never change their bones. They have consistency that politicians lack - my wife
  • The more people I meet the more I like my dog - unknown
  • A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than himself - Josh Billings
  • The average dog is much nicer than the average person - Andrew Anderson
  • Dogs are humble. You've met underdogs, but have you ever met an over the top dog?
  • I have found in my life that it is better to be part dog than all human - me 
  • You may be broke and penniless, but as long as you own dog, you are rich. - Louis Sabin
  • Dogs are not our whole lives but they make our lives whole - Roger Cavas
  • History books are more full of the fidelity's of dogs than humans - Alexander Pope
  • Dogs are spiritual beings, I have no doubt. They live only in the present moment - The Dalai Lama
  • "I once decided not to date a guy because he wasn't excited to meet my dog. I mean, this was like not wanting to meet my mother." Bonnie Schacter
  • Every dog will have his day - Jonathon Swift
  • "If I have any beliefs about immortality it is that all dogs go to heaven but very, very few persons do." James Thurber
  • In dog years, I am dead. - unknown.
     For me, the perfect day in life is to sit by a river with my dogs and no one else. The green grass is at your feet, and the blue sky is above. It is a reminder that Eden once existed, and is still possible.  Dogs are not jealous, they hold no grudges, they are simple and humble creatures. I think that dogs are God's reminder of the person we should aspire to be. I find it interesting that dog and god are one in content, if not spelled exactly same. If I could sit down and spend a day with Larry Bird and Magic Johnson, or an hour with my dog, I'd have to spend my regrets to the pair. 


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