Bama could handle the talented Jays but not the refs...
The entire world of NCAA basketball is talking about the hose job given to our beloved Tide. One of the great things about a blog is that the pretension of impartialilty is not in play. Although, I think most of you know I do try to do that. Hence, the Saban story which he has recevied my formal apology, and I was not taken behind that stadium and shot. I take that as a good sign. But what happened today was beyond explanation. There were five calls that should have been made, or not made in the last two minutes. Even my new Creighton friends acknowlege that fact. The Jays had nothing to with the TV mandated screw job on the Tide and let's advance the Jays saga. Bama could have put the game away and didn't. Take nothing away from the Jays. God help me I love 'em and I am going to give them my full support from this day on. My two favorite teams are Alabama and anyone that can shut Dick Vitale up. I would say that Vitale is sleeping with Williams and Coach K except they have more class. I have always love DV. This year he has become the official pimp of the ACC. Clark Kelloge filled that roll for the MVC today. Finally, under a deluge of criticism from his own sports team he acquised and admitted, "it was a foul". No Joke, the x-rays are in, the DA has returned the indictment, and whoever that defender was he cleary and digitally fouled the little man who runs our offense.
There is no doubt that there were times in the game where it seemed that the MVC team was victimized. But in the last two minutes, when good officiating means the most, these three jerks decided to turn a blind eye and go with CBS. I am formally and offically accusing these guys of biased cheating to make sure that Alabama would not winThey are public figures and deserve the criticism. I am checking those three official's day calenders to see if they have been in AU lately. As Gomer whould say, Shame, shame, shame on them and the entire NCAA. This game should be restarted again with Trevor Releford standing on the free throw line shooting three to make two so to speak. If we are using instant replay to review games why not take the next logical step and say," hey, we sure screwed the heck out of Bama in thal last two minutes. An independent crew of REAL OFFICIALS have reviewed the digital whatever and Bama gets to shoot free throws.
I want to be quick to add this is nothing more than a continued homer job on Alabama for Nick Saban and our great football team for winning the National championship. I'm serious. I have never written anything like this in forty years, look it up. This was game fixing pure and simple. I'm not saying that money crossed hands but this cost our Tide the game. Our great coach, and dedicated kids learned that life isn't fair. In fact, life might be more fair than the NCAA and their clear pandering to TV. What bullcrap. One reason why my wife and I are democrats (sorry my friends) is that we have this stupid belief that all people are equal, poor and rich, red and blue because the bottom line is that fair is fair and unfair is the NCAA and CBS. So who will win the NCAA. I don't know ask CBS it has already been decided.
T0MMOROW THE PHOTOS THAT PROVE MY ALLEGATIONS. Annie, update, she wagged her tail today and "kissed us". She has been given a death sentence but she's a fighter, and we are hoping for one good month to spoil her rotten. She can now have ice cream, gravy and biscuits, and all the sweets she can tolerate. I asked her today if she wanted to knock back a six pack with her Pop, and she looked me and said, "Maybe tomorrow" Thank you for your support. We are not expecting a miracle from our Heavenly Father, but I wish I could trade places with my little girl
The entire world of NCAA basketball is talking about the hose job given to our beloved Tide. One of the great things about a blog is that the pretension of impartialilty is not in play. Although, I think most of you know I do try to do that. Hence, the Saban story which he has recevied my formal apology, and I was not taken behind that stadium and shot. I take that as a good sign. But what happened today was beyond explanation. There were five calls that should have been made, or not made in the last two minutes. Even my new Creighton friends acknowlege that fact. The Jays had nothing to with the TV mandated screw job on the Tide and let's advance the Jays saga. Bama could have put the game away and didn't. Take nothing away from the Jays. God help me I love 'em and I am going to give them my full support from this day on. My two favorite teams are Alabama and anyone that can shut Dick Vitale up. I would say that Vitale is sleeping with Williams and Coach K except they have more class. I have always love DV. This year he has become the official pimp of the ACC. Clark Kelloge filled that roll for the MVC today. Finally, under a deluge of criticism from his own sports team he acquised and admitted, "it was a foul". No Joke, the x-rays are in, the DA has returned the indictment, and whoever that defender was he cleary and digitally fouled the little man who runs our offense.
There is no doubt that there were times in the game where it seemed that the MVC team was victimized. But in the last two minutes, when good officiating means the most, these three jerks decided to turn a blind eye and go with CBS. I am formally and offically accusing these guys of biased cheating to make sure that Alabama would not winThey are public figures and deserve the criticism. I am checking those three official's day calenders to see if they have been in AU lately. As Gomer whould say, Shame, shame, shame on them and the entire NCAA. This game should be restarted again with Trevor Releford standing on the free throw line shooting three to make two so to speak. If we are using instant replay to review games why not take the next logical step and say," hey, we sure screwed the heck out of Bama in thal last two minutes. An independent crew of REAL OFFICIALS have reviewed the digital whatever and Bama gets to shoot free throws.
I want to be quick to add this is nothing more than a continued homer job on Alabama for Nick Saban and our great football team for winning the National championship. I'm serious. I have never written anything like this in forty years, look it up. This was game fixing pure and simple. I'm not saying that money crossed hands but this cost our Tide the game. Our great coach, and dedicated kids learned that life isn't fair. In fact, life might be more fair than the NCAA and their clear pandering to TV. What bullcrap. One reason why my wife and I are democrats (sorry my friends) is that we have this stupid belief that all people are equal, poor and rich, red and blue because the bottom line is that fair is fair and unfair is the NCAA and CBS. So who will win the NCAA. I don't know ask CBS it has already been decided.
T0MMOROW THE PHOTOS THAT PROVE MY ALLEGATIONS. Annie, update, she wagged her tail today and "kissed us". She has been given a death sentence but she's a fighter, and we are hoping for one good month to spoil her rotten. She can now have ice cream, gravy and biscuits, and all the sweets she can tolerate. I asked her today if she wanted to knock back a six pack with her Pop, and she looked me and said, "Maybe tomorrow" Thank you for your support. We are not expecting a miracle from our Heavenly Father, but I wish I could trade places with my little girl
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