Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Another 'Bama players leaves.

  How long can Alabama endure the tenure of Anthony Grant? If my count is correct the departure of Nick Jacobs means that 9 of the last 14 players signed have left the team. I have some insight into what happened on this one.  It is a lot more than Jacobs refusing to be disciplined by Grant. I hate this for Nick because one day he'll look back and regret letting his teammates down. Is there more? Sure, Nick felt like he deserved more playing time. Nick  was  very frustrated with the playing rotation. Nick also understands that Jimmy Taylor and Michaels Kessons are the future of the post play at Alabama.

     I'm not saying that Grant is fully at fault because he expects certain things from his players regarding academics. Going to class is one of those. Nick has one more year to play basketball and it looks like Alabama isn't going to be his team. Still, something is going on that is causing players to transfer. If one transfers you say 'that happens', if two go you can say it is 'coincidental',  when multitude leave you've got a problem. The only common denominator in all this is Anthony Grant.  

       Grant released the following statement "Nick and I met early this week regarding a pattern of behavior and inconsistencies with his responsibilities as a student athlete,  When addressed with these off-the-court issues, he requested a leave of absence which I granted. He and I both feel it is in his best interest to step away from the team for the immediate future. We will continue to provide Nick the support and assistance he needs to reassess his priorities and focus on his well-being." Whether its his personality,  his coaching ability, or a pervasive atmosphere of gloom, something is going on. As they say, some one's got some s'plaining to do. That someone is the head coach. Jacobs says he's taking "indefinite leave of absence" in light of his recent conversation with Anthony Grant. Perhaps another way of saying it is "I've had enough."

      I'm sure there is some  truth in what the Coach says. He has the right to do about  anything he wants to do. I really have no idea what a leave of absence means in the current situation. One thing we can all agree on is that Grant is stubborn. He's stubborn on discipline problems to the extent of inflexibility.  He is stubborn in the way he insists on the way that  the team plays. It's his way or the highway. The road as been a freeway lately. If you can't recruit enough players to be competitive and then many of them leave in disgust, mistrust,  or I've just had enough, its not good. I had high hopes for Grant. Clearly, the team doesn't relate well to their coach. I think we've all  had enough of what's going on. We need something positive to happen. I want to see our coliseum filled with fired up fans. Right now its as quiet as Grant's Tomb. 

p.s.     I have told again that Battles has no intention of firing Grant. Like him or not it appears he'll be given additional time. An indirect hint on the program. Battles urges patience in some sports.


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