Sunday, December 29, 2013

Tide refuses to die but fall short in the end...

Staff and players elevated their games...

     Sitting on the sidelines watching the Alabama coaching staff was inspiring in the loss to UCLA. I've never seen them so animated and involved. Grant put together a masterpiece game plan that scared the hell out of the UCLA Bruins. When Alabama went on a late 9-0 run to tie the game with under a minute Pauley Pavilion became as quiet as church mouse on a food mission. Not a sound. A little rag tag team from the SEC that had only one player who could have even made the Bruin roster,  was on the verge of college basketball's biggest upset of the season. Alabama reached for the golden ring and just missed it. Bama falls to 5-7. I believe this is the first time a Grant team has been two games under five hundred at Bama.

     With the score tied with 56 seconds left, UCLA's Tony Parker a season 44% free throw shooter made a one and one and the Tide never recovered. The Bruins had already been recipients of several gifts on 'blocked' shots by Nick Jacobs and Trevor Releford under the the baskets. A clear foul on a Jacobs put back wasn't called and Parker went to the other end to make is two big free throws. UCLA scored their last eight points on free throws.

      In the first half when it looked like the Tide was looking a real thumping, the team pulled itself together and played the best basketball of their season. Led by Releford, the Tide went on a 15-4 run to take a 34-33 lead. I have to tell you their were some concerned faces in the UCLA crowd.  Releford didn't start for missing a practice, led the first half comeback  with key three point baskets and a couple of nifty defensive plays. The Bruins scored only 33 points in the first half. They were clearly frustrated by the pace of play and Alabama's defensive tenacity. The Bruin players whined to the officials about Bama's rough play. Of course, that cut both ways. Had Bama  had the benefit of even handed officiating in the second half the Tide might have won. A UCLA fan sitting next to me said the PAC 12 officials clearly didn't want a league team to lose. The officiating wasn't that bad, but it was full of some timely UCLA calls that hurt the Tide.

     Hats off to Trevor Releford. When the game was over Releford was bent over at half court. His hands were on his knees and he was hurting. When he left the floor the Bruin fans, who are some of the most knowledgeable fans in the NCAA gave him a nice ovation. He finished with 34 points including 6 three point baskets. UCLA clearly had the edge in talent. I have to say that Bama's coaches did an excellent job.  I am just as disenchanted with Grant as a  lot of Bama fans, and I'm a Grant fan. He isn't losing because of the coaching. It's his recruiting that is killing us. We will have a lot more talent on the floor next season and a better inside game. I told fans that losing Moussa Gueye would hurt. His absence in the paint is obvious. Jimmy Taylor played well.  When he gets bigger and has some bulk he will be a load. The UCLA crowed were wowed at a couple of his well timed blocked shots.

    Once again the boards killed us. We were down 12 on the boards, but the number of offensive boards we gave up were fatal. Five second chance baskets in the last 7 minutes were the difference in the game. Bama has to have Releford play well, but someone else has to step up and help. Shannon Hale had 9 rebounds and some nice baskets. Jacobs chipped in some but he simply isn't big enough to dominate inside. He's a power forward and not a post player. Taylor's inexperience caused him to disappeared, although in all fairness, he is getting better. Cooper, for whatever reason has simply vanished. His outside shooting has chance. He has no arc on his shots, and often short arms the ball. He doesn't get square to the basket. Without a return to form from Cooper it will be hard to win.

    I've given a lot of long hard thought  on Grant. it's unfair to say he can't coach. Steve Alford said it was as good a coaching job as he's seen in a while. I don't disagree. Regardless of how well you coach you still lose if he can't recruit. The loss of Gueye and Lacey have started to hurt.  Obasahan's slump makes Lacey's departure more noticeable. Regardless of who is coming in next season Grant needs to find a juco big man in the nature of Chris Hines. If he needs to terminate a scholarship to make room he needs to do that. I talked with Bill Walton after the game. He said the coaching is fine. The talent level and size is lacking. I agree. Should Grant be given another year? Probably. But let me say this - he better recruit some size and power or it won't matter. I'd vote to keep him one more season but if it isn't a great one he should just resign and save himself the embarrassment of being fired. Part of coaching is recruiting. It is at least half, if not more than half, the battle. It is a battle he's lost. I understand Walton acknowledged that our program was 3rd best in the SEC behind Kentucky and Florida. That's a fair assessment. Coach Grant has run out of excuses. His failure to recruit is the reason. But it cannot be allowed to make excuses.

     Not one bad word about our team  last night though. They kept hanging around, and hanging around, and almost won. The final score was 75-67 and that was no indication of how close the game was played. Last night talent beat coaching. No doubt in my mind about that. If Grant could recruit the type talent that UCLA had I have no doubt we'd be a top five team in the near future.


Did you know that Bama out rebounded UCLA 17-11 in the first half?
Did you know that Trevor Releford was personally congratulated by Bill Walton?
Did you know that Anthony Grant recieved four warnings from the offiicals to calm down?
Did you know that at least 100 Bama fans were on hand?

Carl Engstrom5000000011100000
Shannon Hale29371425369020309
Levi Randolph3451426000333203012
Rodney Cooper20030200011040310
Retin Obasohan24160100011133202
Algie Key11010024011130002
Jimmie Taylor22120000066031122
Trevor Releford34111569660221353034
Nick Jacobs20240022011001106
Dakota Slaughter1000000000000000
TEAM TOTALS20023529221217422267201016367
PERCENTAGESFG: 44.2%3PT: 40.9%FT: 70.6% TOTAL TO: 16
Jordan Adams3551324221893344014
Norman Powell234701562461120013
Kyle Anderson3351102341567123113
David Wear18230000011030214
Travis Wear3341000222352201010
Nick Kazemi0000000000000000
Zach LaVine20241100000320105
Bryce Alford19040101022211100
Tony Parker196700454150201216
TEAM TOTALS20028593916201225371815914475
PERCENTAGESFG: 47.5%3PT: 33.3%FT: 80% TOTAL TO: 14

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Grant could prove a lot with good game in Westwood...

UCLA is playing well...

Bama on the verge of collapse?

Bama hits the lights of LA ...
(Los Angeles, Cal) - The Alabama Crimson Tide may be playing the most important game of the Anthony Grant era on Friday night. After losing the last two games at home the Tide hopes to turn things around in Pauley Pavilion. The Crimson and White are now 5-6 and headed where? Alabama fans are losing faith as the SEC season looms around the corner. Hope springs eternal, but common sense tells me that Alabama is likely to be 5-7 pretty soon. Alabama and Anthony Grant can give fans hope with a win over the Bruins. Even another close game might even give the fans something resembling hope. That's not likely to happen though. UCLA might not be the Bruins of old but at Pauley they are still hard to beat. College basketball fans still put UCLA at the top of the hierarchy in the modern era. The Bruins are off to a good start at 10-2. The Westwood team are 2nd in the NCAA in shooting percentage at 53%. They are 7th at scoring with 86.5 ppg. Perhaps the most impressive stat is that the Bruins are averaging 18.2 assists per game. For the record that is 3rd best.
The only "weakness" the Bruins have is rebounding. The are only averaging 36.4 boards a game. That is only 145th in the NCAA. Of course, when you shoot 53% there are not that many boards to go around. Alabama's stats are horrible. The Tide is shooting only 46%. That ranks 119th. That is the highest ranking in stats for Alabama.  Seriously, 119th.  If you want to know why the Tide isn't winning just look at the numbers. Right now the numbers for season wins are looking pretty bleak. The best thing the Tide has going for themselves at this point is just how bad a lot SEC teams are. Bama isn't going to beat Florida, Missouri, and Kentucky twice. I'm sure most of you watched the UCLA / Missou game. The Tigers dismantled UCLA. Florida is a top notch team, and Kentucky is only going to get better. Even Auburn seems much improved. I don't see a winning SEC season

       Duke didn't beat Alabama as bad as they did UCLA. That gives me some hope that Bama can hang tough with the Bruins. If Bama can keep the score in the low 70's they might have a chance. I've seen the UCLA Bruins play a dozen games in Westwood, and they are hard to beat. It is one of the best home court advantages in the NCAA. All of the current Alabama players don't understand the sheer audacity of a team winning so many national champions in a row. They'll have a better idea when they tour Pauley today and see the trophy case. I personally wouldn't let our guys within a hundred yards of the place. UCLA isn't the powerhouse of old. But Alabama is nowhere near their peak years either.

      The questions about Grant are not going away regardless of a win tonight though. A win will give the fans something talk about. My real question is whether this team is on the verge of collapsing. UCLA by 12.


Saturday, December 21, 2013

Tide goes cold in the last ten minutes...

Alabama loses another close game...

    The difference between a good team and an average one isn't very much. Once again Alabama define that to be the case. 77-74. With 2 field goals in the last 9:45 of a game you aren't going to win any basketball games.  Only the hustle and heart of the players allowed this game to be close. Alabama has no margin for error. None. It may well be that when the history of this team is recorded they will be remembered as underachieving. Not in my book or experience. These are a bunch of kids that play as hard and as long as they can. There just is such a lack of inside offense and rebounding they have two hands tied behind their backs when they step on the floor. That's the coach's fault.  He needs to recruit as well as he coaches. None of us should blame the players for that. That one falls squarely on the shoulders of the head coach.  If you asked Grant himself he'd own up to that one.

Hale plays a great game...

     Two good things about tonight's game - Shannon Hale had a breakout game, and the team continues to play hard.  Both of those things will pay off sometime this season. Perhaps what this team needs  is a good road trip where they have nothing to lose might be what the doctor orders.  It is hard to write about this team in a lot of ways. It's always easier to say nice things about a winning team. This team is doing all they can do when you consider their substantial limitations.

     Bama missed too many free throws, got sloppy with the ball, and once again just stood around with no movement in the second half. Alabama just doesn't have the size or strength to match up with anyone in the paint.  Alabama has lost to every good team they've played this season.  That's the bad part.  Alabama has played each of those teams tough games. The hopes for Alabama to make it to the NCAA as an at-large team are essentially over. The NIT looks like a long shot unless the Tide  ramps it up through the SEC. A good start would be by beating a good UCLA team at Pauley Pavilion. That's only a slim possibility looking at this team. UCLA is still the mecca of college hoops. A win over the Bruins means a great deal to any program. I've seen the Bruins play 7 games this season. We have some serious match up problems. That doesn't matter. The Tide needs to tip it off and play their hearts out. They will. Maybe something great and unexpected will happen. You never really know. Just when you think you know something happens that proves you wrong.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Tide can't finish off the Shockers

Bama falters down the stretch...

 I'll say this - Alabama got close to pulling off the big one. At around the three minute mark Retin Obasahan missed a layup. Cleanthony Early then slammed one on the other end, and the Tide couldn't recover. After playing the worst 10 minutes at the start of the game I've ever seen, Alabama stuck out their chest and played like men. The final score was 72-67, and it was a blood bath. No  doubt the Tide could have won this one. A win over Wichita State would have been big for Alabama's quickly vanishing NCAA Tournament hopes. You might not like the execution of Grant's team but you couldn't deny the effort. It was as intense a defensive struggle as I've watched in a long time. If you can't play good, then play mean, and Alabama delivered on that point. Once again the almost complete absence of an inside game killed the Tide. That aspect of the Tide's game is not likely to improve much.

    I know that everyone think Grant is a poor offensive coach. That isn't true. He gets as much out of his talent as anyone can. Not everyone likes milking the shot clock but Bama has not other choice. Add the in your grill defense and the Tide has the ability to win some games. The question is can they win enough. It is going to take Releford and Lacy to develop something on the inside. Last night, Releford had six assists and everyone of them kept the Tide close or gave them the lead.

    Don't think for a minute that Wichita State would like a rematch later this season against the Tide. This one was slug fest. In the end the heavyweight put down the middleweight down in the final round. There is no doubt this team has some real problems. Despite that, Alabama continues to make every game competitive. Next season we have some real talent on hand, and a super little point guard to try to replace Trevor Releford. For the remainder of this season we need to see Randolph, Cooper, and Jacobs pick it up. If they can improve the Tide will be ready for next season. Cooper in particular needs to find a way to help the team. When Bama makes some threes and cuts down on turnovers they will give some teams a good run.

     In the meantime Grant continues to lose the confidence of a lot of Alabama fans. Last night a top ten team came to Coleman and the fans just didn't show up in big numbers. The ones who were in attendance made some real noise. I understand the students weren't in school. Honestly, they haven't filled up their section except for the true believers. When you look over the remainder of the schedule it's possible that the Tide might have a losing season. We play Kentucky, Missouri twice, and Florida twice. Let's hope the teams hard work will pay off in a few games. Coach Grant needs more players and that will make next season a good one. But for this season, I'm afraid it will be a lot of pain and suffering for Tide fans. But the SEC is such a bad league this year who really knows what might happen.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Shockers will be big test for Alabama...

    Tide running out of chances to make NCAA ...

Baker may not play
    The Wichita State Shockers have won their first ten games this season. Alabama has won its last 15 home games in Coleman Coliseum. Somethings got to give one way or the other. If the Crimson Tide is going to do anything good this season they need to start tonight.  Alabama is listed as a five point underdog by the Vegas Line makers.

       Here are couple of stats they bear discussion. Rodney Cooper is our leading rebound with just over five per game. Retin Obasahan is our leading shot blocker at almost two per game. Does that sound as odd to you as it does me. Cooper is out boarding both Taylor and Jacobs? Obasahan to blocking more shots from the two position than our inside players?  Stats can be misleading. These stats show some real problems with our team.

       I'll give credit to the team for shutting down a high scoring team earlier without their leading scorer. From all reports it seems that Trevor will be ready to go full speed tonight. The Shockers have their own injury problem with leading scorer Ron Baker, the 6-3 shooter, limping from a bad ankle injury. He will probably try to play but might be limited. In the last game without Baker the Shockers ripped Tennessee 70-61.

         The Tide's record is now 5-4. Tonight is Wichita State. Then come Xavier and UCLA on the road. Bama must win win a couple of those games and then have phenomenal SEC season to make the NCAA. Given the severe limitations f this team that is highly unlikely. Still.... Tide fans always hope for the best even as complain about the team. I think that Grant has finally addressed some roster problems with two transfers and a good recruiting class. Only Releford leaves the team this season. I think that Bama is going to play hard tonight. If Baker doesn't play tonight we might have a chance. Otherwise, I see a long hard night ahead.


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Another desparate December for the Tide?

Next few games will tell the story

Cooper has disappeared

  Well, here we are in December. Or as we know it - the trail of tears. At least we are losing with a better schedule. What does the remainder of December indicate for our team? Let's take a look:
  • Surely we can beat Charleston Southern
Wichita State will probably beat us.playing in    Tuscaloosa gives us hope
  • Xavier is down this season and we play them at home
UCLA will beat us in Pauley Pavillion like a drum.

     I see one sure win (Charleston-Southern)  and one possible win (Xavier). If Bama splits the four I'd be surprised. If we lost three it wouldn't be surprising. It really doesn't matter unless we win all four. Anything less and we've probably played ourself out of the NCAA. It would take an exceptional SEC season to get a bid. Bama should beat Robert Morris in January. If my predictions turn out to be correct that would give us a record of 6-7 or 7-6 at best. Then the SEC season begins. It's no secret that the schedule makers in the SEC office did the Tide no favors this season.  To make the NCAA we probably will have to win at least 13 or 14 games in the Conference. That will be tough, but luckily there are a lot of really bad teams in the SEC. My personal opinion is that we are one of the five worst teams in the conference at this point. Things can change. Good shooting covers up a multitude of basketball sins.

What has happened to Cooper?

    Cooper is an enigma wrapped in puzzle. Highly regarded in high school he chose the Tide. He had a super 28 point game his freshman season against LSU. He hasn't played that well since. His shot selection has always been a problem. This season he is taking bad shots and missing  good ones. He's lost his starting position and hasn't responded well to being the sixth man. On the positive side he has been rebouning well. Alabama needs him to break out of his slump. The truth is our talent level just doesn't allow any player to have a slump. We live on the edge of disaster every game we play against a better than average team. Next season, we will probably have more talent available since the departure of JayMicheal Greene. Everyone returns but Releford and perhaps Engstrom. It will be Grant's last chance to make the NCAA. I doubt he'd get another season if next year is another sub-standard year. Perhaps we should say the new standard instead of sub-standard. Fans love Grant but are getting restless.

At some point the Tide is going to face one of those do or die moments. I was talking with a local sportswriter and we speculated that if Alabama's effort wanes we could be looking at a collapse. I don't think that will happen because of the character and work ethic of our players. It's time for Cooper to get over whatever is effecting his play. We need 10-12 points and 6 or 7 rebounds from the lefty. He has the ability. To see a slump like his in his junior year is strange. I can't help but wonder why?  Is something going on that we don't know about? I haven't heard of anything or suggesting something is wrong with him. We need his potential on the floor. He and Jacobs can make a pretty good inside game.  The Tide has some  huge games in December.  We need this team to hit on all cylinders. Maybe they'll surprise us.

     Alabama's style of play almost insures they will be competitive.  They have good ball handlers and play tough defense. We hold the ball so long on offense opposing teams don't get their average offensive trips down the floor. I think that is pretty good coaching out of necessity. Grant hasn't signed enough good player to fill the roster. Next season we will have those players and numbers. If next year doesn't pan out the question of who's buried in Grant's tomb will be moot.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Tide falls short ...

No Offense kills the Tide once more...

Obasohan has career high with 20
   Close, but no cigar. Again. This time the Tide dropped a 66-64 game to South Florida. The only decent thing  I can say about South Florida was the nice uniform they wore. Very sunshine. The are not a very good team, but good enough to beat the Tide. Alabama had it's moments. Retin Obasahan is quickly proving just how good he is becoming. Releford had a pretty steady game before fouling out again. Levi Randolph was solid. The normally poor shooting Tide hit a new low making only 39% from the floor. The outside shooting was at a sizzling 29%. Alabama made very nice 14-16 free throws The Crimson made only 7 turnovers which is excellent. South Florida won the battle of the boards 38-31. The 15 offensive boards which didn't help.

        The shooting numbers were skewed by Nick Jacobs making only 4-15 attempts. I'll say this - the Tide got him the ball and most of his shots were pretty good ones. He couldn't drop a ball in the ocean at the end of pier. It was one of those nights. You have to like the fact that Jacobs worked hard to get position and his teammates found him.  Some nights they don't ball. Not all his shots were good ones. You have to muscle yourself around in the paint just to get 15 shots. Kudos for the effort, but effort wasn't enough.  When you lose by two points there is probably a dozen plays that loses a game. Alabama seems to be doing what they need to do to develop an inside game. The lack of inside talent is obvious and Jacobs has made some real strides to make a difference.

    When you lose games you have to look for a silver lining. But you also have to be realistic. The Tide plays a lot of teams with good inside games.  You shoot poorly, get out boarded, and have no big man inside you are going to lose a lot of games. This team needs to shoot better, and continue to play hard. I'd hate to think where we would be if this bunch wasn't working so hard. Grant has some real problems. I'm not sure this team has the talent.This team could lose a lot of games unless they shoot better. Grant recruited three great shooters for next season. If the losses continue you have to wonder if he will be in Tuscaloosa to coach them.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Watching UAB beat North Carolina was an eye opener

You have to question which program has best team in the State

Chad Frazier
      Watching the UAB Blazers nail North Carolina was pretty tough to swallow.  You mentally compare the Blazers with Alabama. You just do it out of habit. We always want to have the best program and team in our State. Sitting there watching UAB dismantle the Tar Heels opened my eyes. At first I wondered if this was just a bad UNC team?  Were the Blazers just having a lights out night?  The truth is that neither was true. Carolina lost to UAB and then went on to beat #1 Michigan State. On top of that UAB wasn't shooting well at all. They covered up that shooting percentage with a lot of offfensive rebounds.

         Then there was the Chad Frazier factor. We wanted him and UAB got him. The JUCO guard is a great player. Frazier and William Lee to UAB and not the Capstone? What's going on here?  If UAB and Alabama played I think UAB would soundly beat Alabama. If the game was played in Tuscaloosa that might not be the case. In Birmingham or on a neutral floor I think UAB is the better team. Injuries, transfers, and just bad luck is killing the Tide. What is hurting Alabama is that we always seem to be one player away from good. If Nick Jacobs can keep playing as well as he has played lately the Tide will be better. But the Tide needs a good inside man. Jimmie Taylor will get better and then we'll lose Trevor Releford. One player short again, or will Justin Coleman be able to replacce Releford. Eventually, he might be able to do so. The first year will be tough. The truth is our program is living in the just average neighborhood. We have enough good players to surprise some good teams.We also will surprise ourselves with poor play.  I was talking with a friend of mine in Los Angeles. We are going to the UCLA/Alabama game together. He asked me if we were really as bad as we looked against Drexel. I actually thought we played pretty good at times in that game. His  take was that was a pretty bad lose. In reality it was a pretty bad loss. We could have won the game. We could have beaten Oklahoma. That's where we are these days. We could  have done this, or we could have done that, but don't seem to be able to get it done.  We need a Larry the Cable guy moment on this team. We did play well against North Florida but what does that mean? 

     What it means that we just aren't there yet. I'm not sure we are getting any closer. The SEC schedule is the toughest draw in the conference. That won't help.  I'm concerned about where we are right now. I thought that we would be a better team by this time in the Grant era. I hope we can turn it around. I'm not sure we can. We need to quit making turnovers by the dozen. We need to shoot better from the outside to give Nick some chances. It appears that Rodney Cooper has decided to take a sabbatical. We might not be the best team in the SEC. I can live with that. But not being the best team in our State is unacceptable. That will never be acceptable in any form or fashion.